Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving. people

Happy Thanksgiving. We now eat unhealthy quantities of pie and stuffing.

So for our Thanksgiving, I made cinnamon muffins and then in the process of making the muffins, one turned into a mutant, and I tried to wash the entire container of salt in the sink, and then I accidentally tossed the rest of the nutmeg into the trash, where it disintegrated into dryer lint. Then, after baking the muffins and bringing them to my grandfather's house, I discovered that they were dry and slightly egg flavored. I think I will make them as dog treats from here on out.

And then once we got home, Mom announced that we are going to stay up all night!
Shortly afterwards I accidentally broke my tablet pen while trying to fix it. The little plastic thing on the end that lets you draw had worn down, so we replaced it with another one, and now I can't do anything with it because it selects text when you're trying to click on something, and it can't even draw a circle correctly anymore. I can probably fix this by replacing the battery.
So now my tablet and my culinary skills are broken, along with my computer and this laptop's sound recording program. (it says there isn't a memory card when trying to play back a recording. might be because I possibly accidentally deleted the required files.) At the very least, the speakers on the laptop still work. If they didn't, then I would likely be literally insane by now. Have you ever tried to stop listening to music for awhile? I did, and after about ten hours, everything was slightly gray. A bit scary, really.

So, to end this post, I give you a short list of words that look stranger the longer you look at them.


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