I won! I won NaNoWriMo 2010! My fancy badge stuck to the blog should show up in a bit in my writing blog.
I would say that I wrote a novel in 30 days...but I kind of didn't. You see, 15,000 words is just halfway through the novel.
So, this is the tale of my novel's creation...
September something 2010. We sign up for NaNoWriMo, I, being ambitious, aim for 25,000 words. Ben and Jake aim for word counts higher than their grade levels, too.
November starts. I, being procastinative, (I made up a word there) didn't come up with an idea for my novel. So I start writing at random and hope that something happens. Jake and Ben already had novel ideas, and they begin with ease.
Halfway through November. My word count is rising like molasses going uphill in January with crutches. Mom lowers my goal to 20,000 words to try to help, lowers Ben's word count goal too. Jake's novel zooms along peacefully, frequently e-mailing it to friends for reliable spellchecking.
November 27th. I catch a cold and lose all motivation to continue the novel. I give up on it at 13,003 words.
November 30th, 2010. Word goal lowered (again) to 15,000 words, which is still a goal recommended for 10th graders. Everybody in the house reaches the goal with ease.
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